Zia-ud-din Medical University Karachi ZMU Karachi admissions for Postgraduate diploma are open for different students for numerous courses. Now candidates who have interest to get admission in Ziauddin University have slot to…
Tag: Admissions 2022
BZU University PGD Admission Spring 2022
Bahauddin Zakaria University Bahawalpur BZU is a leading University of Pakistan getting the admission form in different subjects in one year postgraduate diploma PGD & Certificate 8 week courses Learning SPSS, Data…
UOL BS Admission 2022
University Of Lahore UOL a leading private sector university declared the admissions in Bachelor of Sciences BS program in the different fields. Now interested candidates can apply for admission in BS programs…
National University of Medical Sciences NUMS admission 2022
National University of Medical Sciences NUMS is now collecting the admission form for different undergraduate programs in the field of Medical sciences and many more. Students can now easily get the admission…
City University Peshawar Admission 2022 BS
City University Peshawar is now receiving the admission form for many faculty of studies like BS Accounting & Finance, BS Commerce, BS Economics, BS Digital Marketing, BBA, MBA, M.Phil, BS Mathematics, MS…
UAP Agriculture Peshawar Admissions 2022
The University of Agriculture Peshawar online applications are available for many Bachelor of Sciences B.SC, BS and many other subjects mentioned in the below available advertisement. Students who complete the FA, F.Sc…