Secondary School Certificate SSC part 1 class exams have started now by the educational boards of all Punjab. Complete 9th class date sheet 2023 Punjab is now live here and students from different areas are participated in these exams as per given schedule. Here we are telling you about the latest Pairing scheme of class 9th Punjab Board. Computer Science paper scheme is important these days and many students are finding it. Many concerned students are confused regarding paper parts and long and short questions. You problem is solved here and you can check complete pairing scheme of Punjab Board here on this webpage. You don’t need to be worried about your exams paper scheme of computer science class Matric part 1 because we have shared with you complete details here below.

List of theory and practical sections related to paper of computer science is also mentioned in the below sheet. Candidates are advised to read carefully and get the important details from this pairing scheme. Hopefully your paper will be completed as per your desire. Entire Punjab Students can get benefit by this prestigious paper scheme of 9th class. On the other hand, Hamdard Model Papers 9th Class Computer Science, Ghazali Model Papers 9th Class Computer Science, Important questions class 9 Computer and many more details is now available here with you so keep in touch with us.