Ghulam Ishaq Khan GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology authority has now announced the admissions in the numerous subjects of MS / PhD degree and every candidates who have the complete eligibility to get admissions in GIK Can apply now. Students are now have opportunity to get admission in the following programs of MS & PhD including Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Sciences, Electronic Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Sciences, Material Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Engineering Management, Nanotechnology and Material Engineering. Candidates are now also informed that you at least have graduate in Engineering, Sciences and Mathematics from HEC recognized university and have 60% marks throughout the academic career. Candidates have to pass the GRE/ETC or GIKI admission test and interview. Last date for form submission is 01 December 2022 and admission test will be held on 20 December 2022. Further instructions regarding your admissions are provided in the below attached advertisement of GIK Institute.